

The Geneva Convention of Human F**ks

Written by Charlie Whitworth and produced by Eager Spark, I was immensely proud to be cast in this new piece of writing, which premiered at Exeter Phoenix as part of the Exeter Fringe Festival in July 2019, to a sold out crowd.

Performed entirely by female actors, The Geneva Convention of Human F**ks follows Liam, Peter and Michael on their travels as they revise what they think is right and wrong, challenge their friendship to breaking point and question their relationship as men to women. A really important piece of writing that focuses on the issues still very present in our world around human trafficking and moral convention.



I had the pleasure to perform with Performance Art company Oceanallover for Unexpected Exeter 2016. Find out more about the project below.

‘O N T E N T E R H O O K S’

A new large scale performance by OCEANALLOVER celebrating the 450th Anniversary of the Exeter Ship Canal. Commissioned by Exeter City Council for the Unexpected Exeter Festival.
OCEANALLOVER and amazing Exeter based artists collaborated in creating this unique event! Performance, music, fire sculpture and a lot more of exciting happenings. See photos and videos from the event on Unexpected Exeter’s Twitter.

4th November 2016 – 7pm – Exeter Quayside